AGRIMODELS Cluster: State of play regarding modelling of individual decision making
05.10.2022, 9:00-11:30
Contact person: John Helming
The Agrimodels cluster consists of the H2020 projects BESTMAP, AGRICORE, and MIND STEP, which have started in 2019. All three projects have in common that they address a variety of challenges related to modelling policies dealing with agriculture and the related management of renewable resources at various geographic scales. This implies the development of a new architecture taking advantage of progress in modelling approaches and ICT. Given the focus on local effects of global events and EU policies, new approaches in the Agrimodels cluster take into account the individual decision-making (IDM) unit. The modelling activities include such aspects as the environmental and climatic impacts of farming, delivery of ecosystem services modelling of aspects ranging from product / sector to farming systems, structural change including the transfer of production factors such as land, the integration of agriculture in rural society and permit the establishment of links with biophysical models and geo-referenced datasets. The purpose of this pre-seminar meeting is to provide the project teams and an interested wider audience an overview on the state of the art regarding the modelling activities carried out since 2019, discuss preliminary results and the envisaged ways towards the ends of the projects. The presentations will focus on modelling exercises, scenario analyses, and selected methodological issues.
The pre-seminar session is intended to be partly public, giving the presenters the opportunity to discuss their finding with a wider audience, and an internal part to agree on the next opportunities for methodological exchanges and joint dissemination activities.
General part (9:00-10:30): Presentations
Title: Common challenges and joint activities within the AGRIMODELS Cluster.
Presenter: John Helming, Marc Müller
Title: PMP agent-based AGRICORE model for ex-ante assessment of regional agri-environmental schemes
Presenter: Filippo Arfini, Lisa Baldi
Title: Discrete Choice Analysis of farmers WTA for adoption agri-environmental schemes in three countries
Presenter: Emmanouil Tyllianakis
Title: Carbon and Nitrogen taxation scenarios in a multi-model setting
Presenter: John Helming, Marc Müller
Internal part (10:30-11:30):
Agreement on upcoming joint activities, e.g. preparing a joint session proposal for next year's EAAE Congress in Rennes Scope for exchanges of models and datasets